Life can be a whirlwind of distractions, leaving little room for introspection or connection with our true selves. That's where this extraordinary course steps in, weaving together ancient wisdom and modern techniques in a unique and transformative way.

We create reality through the projection of our deeply held often unconscious beliefs, astrological, societal, ancestral programming, and soul lessons: The veils are lifting, and with it, emerges the awakening of our psychic abilities: These are unchartered waters, and we need to learn how to navigate them safely.

The Heart Awakening Healing Course is the first step into this new paradigm: It forms the basis for a new understanding of holographic reality, where consciousness is the prime measure of reality, in service to the whole.

The course provides you with effective tools to make the unconscious conscious, that will help anyone navigate the other realms even if you are not psychic or don’t think you are.

Everyone is waking up, the veil is lifting and we need each other to find our way back to Source.

I invite you to join our community, as you activate your divine compass with this training, through working with the Living Light.


What To expect?

Unlock the Co-Creative Power of Your Heart: Are you searching for a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you? Do you yearn to tap into a wellspring of inner wisdom and unlock the full potential of your consciousness? Look no further! This groundbreaking practical course promises to take you on a voyage of self-discovery and personal growth like no other.

Deepen Self-Awareness: The interactive classes will help you uncover your hidden beliefs, purify your vessel, and become a clear channel for the light. It will provide you with incredible techniques, on how to deal with negative thoughts, and emotions and teach you to use conscious intention effectively.

Energy Attunements: Throughout the course, you will experience energy attunements and learn awesome tools for consciously creating your reality. These practices will help you identify your soul's purpose and encourage you to take the first steps toward achieving it.

A Safe Sacred Space: Immerse yourself in a transformative environment, supported by a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Harness the power of group discussions, practice, and ongoing guidance to ensure that you not only gain knowledge but also experience true personal growth at every step.

Activate Your Spiritual Potential: Tap into the limitless potential of your consciousness with practical tools and exercises that awaken your dormant spiritual faculties. Learn to harness the energy within you to manifest positive change and create a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Connect with Universal Wisdom: Explore the interconnectedness of all and the higher consciousness that permeates every aspect of existence. Gain insights into the laws of the universe and how to align yourself with them, opening the doors to greater abundance, joy, and serenity.

An easy flexible format to fit your needs: This is an interactive course: You can start with the free online preparation classes that consist of 7 short video lessons, outlining the base techniques for the interactive live classes and replays where you will practice what you learned.

You can listen to these lessons whenever it is convenient for you. Additionally, you benefit from unlimited live classes on a weekly basis to help ground the teachings through practical application. You will also have access to a supportive community of healers, students, and teachers.

Enrollment Open now

Limited space is available - reserve your spot now!

Enrollment is now open for this limited-time opportunity, so don't miss out. Seize the chance to explore the depths of your being, expand your mind, and cultivate a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Embrace the limitless possibilities that lie within your Heart.

You can dive in right away. If you're interested in learning more, you can schedule a free introductory call or simply join us in the KHORA Wemustmeet to experience our supportive community firsthand.


Watch testimonials from our first cohort below: